Touch Hunger
‘Tango, tangor, ergo sum’
‘I touch and I am being touched, so I am.’
– Wilhelm Schmid
Physical contact is one of our primary needs. A simple touch can already waken all kinds of different emotions that are stored in our skin. The short documentary ‘Touch Hunger’ praises physical contact. Through an ensemble narration we get to know different people who are all familiar with a lack of physical contact. The film makes us, as an audience, literally feel how a loving touch can be healing. The power of one single touch is represented by images of facial massages that are woven throughout the film.
A BIND production in coproduction with NTR. Produced within Teledoc Campus with support of Netherlands Film Fund, CoBO and the NPO-Fund.
Lieza Röben
Creative producer
Esther van Driesum
Jean Counet
Myrthe Mosterman
Saskia Kievits
Sound Design
Lennert Hunfeld
Production sound mixer
Gideon Bijlsma
Bram Meindersma
Bram Boers
Mickey Smid